There was some really great sales in the scrap booking/card making sections of the store. Ink pads Colorbox were 50% off, which was great because my sister, Lizzy and myself treated my sister, Wanda to 10 ink pads just because we love her. Of course I treated myself to 2 and 2 packs of cat eyes (3 in a pack for $3.00), 8-½ x 11 solid cardstock was another purchase and it was $2.00 a pack for 50 s
Julie Lay told us that Scrappin Buds were also having a great sale 50% off everything in the store, we arrived around 3:00 at Scrappin Buds and was able to get a few great buys. Cricut blades (2 in a pack for $5.00), some clear stamps. Lizzy and I stopped at Micheal's on clearview to pick up a box of blank greeting cards for Delaina. Of course, I had to check out the $1.00 bins I found some stamps a
nd 3-d stickers.
One of my goals for the 2008 year is to make all my greeting cards. Garnet sent Birthday my way and it is a so neat way of collecting birthdates. I had to make 6 cards for January that is for both family and friends. I have been surfing the internet for some really cute cliparts to use in my card making. The cards on the right are my January cards and four of them were mailed today. So watch your mail box you might be one of the luckey ones.
Wednesday, January 9, my group the "Scrappin Packin Mommas" will be meeting for a card making session. It seems like quite a few of the girls have gotten the fever for card making. The goal for this session is for everyone to bring their scrap paper/cardstock and stamps to share.
patty - memorycollector60- paper piecing patty- momma 411
Looks like you girls had a great time shopping those sales at Hobby Lobby, Scrappin Buds, and Michaels. I wonder who where those crazy ladies that you ran into in Hobby Lobby......sounds like fun. I better get crankin on my cards that I need for 2008........Cant wait for another gathering to use everyones new
Yes we did have a great day and there were some crazy ladies in Hobby Lobby. As I was shopping, I could hear the cackling and laughter down the aisles. Sounded to me like there was a scrapbooking party going on in Hobby Lobby.
Love this picture!!!! And I am soooo happy to see it!!!! You guys know why!!! Love you ALL!!!
I loved the picture. I'm glad to hear that your brother was well enough to make the trip.Sounds as tho the family had a wonderful day.
I love your blog. Thanks for keeping us all up to date .Sugah
Note that mom is in the picture behind us. She is between Wanda and I. I think that is really neat. Kind of spiritual to me - I think she was a happy lady to see all five of her children together.
We didn't plan this, and in fact I have looked at this picture a few times and did not realize it.
Now who is that anonymous poster? I have my suspicions with all of those exclamation marks! If she had musical notes instead then I might be for sure? Just thinking out loud. LIZ
Wow! looks like you got some great bargains! and your cards are gorgeous!
Looks like you guys had a blast and were able to take advantage of some great bargains. Wish I were Love the family pic of all of you with Kenny. Gosh, he still looks the same! He never changes does he? That is a really good pic of all of you. Glad that ya'll had that opportunity to visit with one another.
hey patty. great family pic. i noticed your moms happy face in the pic and said to myself i need to let them know this but i read lizzies comment on it. i can see all the special happiness in the pic and looking at it you can feel the joy. thanks for all the info you ive on your blog. you are truly and angel and i am so happy we have reconnected in our adult lives. love ya, linda
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